Ok thats got you curious has it? Yes, I admit it, I have a brown thumb.....but only when it comes to inside stuff. Well except for that one plant that sits in my bathroom. The more I neglect it the more it grows. Outside its a different story. I can plant and forget.....LOL Dh does the grass cutting and the watering so basically I plant, and oh yea, pull weeds.....what fun!
I've inclueded a few flower pictures from my yard. Now I have no clue what this is, it was in the section for butterflys almost 5 years ago. When we moved in I wanted to put in a butterfly garden so I picked purple, yellow and red plants and after 5 years the purple and red are still here.....the yellow died last winter. Never came back, cant blame that on me!!! SO I just got some impatients and planted those. I know the name of them because my nana has always had impatients around the house and I just love all the colors. And again, if I plant and then let dh take care of them they grow wonderfully!! LOL
Now since I just happened to mention brown...........as in brownies..........Here is a sneek pic of my latest desert. It isnt' listed anywhere yet, I'm still drooling over it! I just love brownies, well, pretty much anything that fits into the desert catagory. Although I'm not too into those little debbie type snacks.........well, except for the boston creme and the strawberry ones.....now those are good with a nice cup of coffee for breakfast! LOL ok, here is the brownie picture, no licking your screen ok!! LOL
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